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About this item:

Teachers and therapists who work with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder will find invaluable tools for their classrooms and offices in this 11-product kit. Includes our 7 Message Take or Place N’ Talk Go Board, 7-Level Communication Builder, Talking Photo Album and Put-em-Arounds for teaching communication skills; Time Timer for teaching organizational skills; and our Gel Lap Pad, Skin Massager, Somatosensory Tube, Wrap Around Massager and Vibrating Pillow for sensory input.


Kit includes:
• 7 Message Take or Place N’ Talk Go Board 
• 7-Level Communication Builder 
• Gel Lap Pad 
• Put-em-Arounds (Set of 5) 
• Skin Massager 
• Somatosensory Tube 
• Talking Photo Album 
• Tic Tac Toe 

• Time Timer
• Vibrating Pillow (unadapted) 

• Wrap Around Massager (unadapted)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Kit

2 577,25$ Prix original
$2,448.39Prix promotionnel


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