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About this item:

This economical version of our Forces & Simple Machines Kit, this set is ideal for introducing students to the concepts of changing force by levers and pulleys, and the notion of mechanical advantage. The manual describes experiments with the three types of levers, single and double pulley systems, and shows the characteristics of each machine.


Shipping weight 6.5 Lbs; Dimensions 22"x 10"x 5".


The set includes 1 lever with centimeter scale, 2 Pulleys, 1 Spring scale, 2 Weight hangers, 1 Slotted weight set, 1 Base and support rod, 1 Support rod with clamp, 2 Hook Collars, 1 Pulley cord, & 1 Experiment manual.


Basic Simple Machines Kit

$199.00 Prix original
$189.05Prix promotionnel


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