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About this item:

Students will study the cellular steps involved in DNA replication and cell division in both mitosis and meiosis. This investigation will allow students to examine the stages of mitosis in the preparation of plant root tips. Crossing over in meiosis will also be investigated through the use of Sordaria cultures. Meets AP Science Practices 1, 5, 6, and 7, and Big Idea 3. Materials provided for 32 students in eight lab groups.


Kit Includes:
10 Disposable scalpels, sterile
20 Petri Dishes, Sterile
200mL Sordaria Agar
200mL Sordaria Mating Agar
8 Disposable Inoculating Loops, Sterile
8 Forceps
1 pkg Microscope Slides
1 pkg Coverslips
16 Plastic Pipettes
8 Plastic Cups
500g Sand
30mL Hydrochloric Acid, 6.0M
30mL Toluidine Blue, 1%

Coupon redeemable for:
Sordaria, wild type
Sordaria, tan mutant


Materials Needed but not Supplied:
Distilled Water
Microwave or Hot Water bath
Garlic Cloves


pH Buffers
Plant Hormones (e.g. indole acetic acid, kinetin)
Any other materials students may think might affect the rate of mitosis in garlic root tips

Biology Investigation #7: Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis

250,00$ Prix original
$237.50Prix promotionnel


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