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About this item:

Our bright white light box illuminates teaching tools, creating a high-contrast background that can be used to develop an awareness of light, color, and objects. They can also assist in the instruction of eye-hand coordination, visual discrimination, and visual perceptual skills.


Kit includes:
• Light Box #3220
• Variable Beam Flashlight Kit – 2 Flashlights, 2 sets of translucent and transparent color lenses, Color Beam Book
• Transparent Overlays (Set of 6)
• Geometric Shapes (Set of 30)*
• Acrylic Letters &  Numbers
• Rainbow Blocks
• Silishapes Linking People
• Mini Lite Overlays
• Jelly Pads (Set of 5) #3112K

Light Box Kit

1 000,00$ Prix original
$950.00Prix promotionnel


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