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About this item:
* 25 prepared slides, including plants, insects, and animal tissues, for use in biological education

*Samples preserved in cedar wood oil and sealed with a coverslip to preserve specimens and prevent contamination

*Labeling provides specimen identification

*Slides are composed of optical glass for clear viewing

*The set comes in a fitted wooden storage box to prevent breakage and ease of handling


Slide specimens include :

coprimus mushroom (cross-section), dense connective tissue (section), dog cardiac muscle (longitudinal section), dog esophagus (cross-section), dog skeletal muscle (longitudinal section and cross section), dog stomach (section), honeybee worker leg-composite (whole mount), house bee mouth parts (whole mount), human blood (smear), hydra (longitudinal section), Hydrilla verticillata leaf (whole mount), Lilium anther (cross-section), Lilium ovary (cross-section), nymphaea of apustio stem (cross-section), onion epidermis (whole mount), pig motor nerve (section mount), pine leaf (cross-section), pine stem (cross-section), pumpkin stem (cross-section), rabbit spinal cord (cross-section), rabbit testis (section), sunflower stem (cross-section), Tilia stem (cross-section), young root of broad bean (cross-section), Zea stem (cross-section).

25 Prepared Microscope Slide Set

45,00$ Regular Price
$42.75Sale Price


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